Wow! What a day! What a wonderful day at Grace Church, Kampala.
The Lord had been working on Pastor Rick for well over a year, to bring his message, on this day. A year prior, as Rick had prepared to deliver his message on ‘We Need a New Story,” COVID changed the world, and the Spring 2020 trip was cancelled, forcing everyone to exit Uganda immediately. A year later, Rick delivered the message.
50 to 60 men and women responded to the message in powerful and visible ways. The message was about the story we allow others to see in our lives, the stories we are always trying to create and protect. We all need a new story! A story of our relationship with Jesus Christ, leading us through life to the story of eternity!
The truth is, our story . . . is not about us at all. Our story is about where we will spend eternity. What a story that will be!