Bordering beautiful Lake Victoria is the capital of Uganda, Kampala. Just 30 minutes south of the city center is Luwafu, Uganda where Pastor Paul runs a school of over 200 children.
Damasus Road International (DRi) visited this school to assess their needs. And their basic needs are very large; ones that we need your help to solve. These children, pictured below, face daily struggles just to survive. Despite their stuggles, they havent lost the ability love others and hope for a better tomorrow.
No matter where we have been around the world, one thing is constant. Kids are full of life. And this school is no different! DRi was once again, struck by the amazing love and energy of these children, predominantly orphans, living in dormatory’s most americans would never enter, much less live in.
We were so amazed by the micro-economy Pastor Paul and these children developed. They collect disgarded newspapers, bags, and general waste paper, and turn them into beautiful paper bags. They sell the bags for a few pennies each, yet they also share in the abundance their efforts. The money they raise helps to purchase their food. The image below is of some of the children holding up their beautiful bags.
As with evey school we visit in Uganda, sickness runs rampant, clothes are worn and tattered, most have no shoes, medical care is basically non-existent, there is no clean water available, and food is a blessing.
The picture above is only about 15 of 200+ amazing kids who were all trying to squeeze into the picture. Having never seen their own reflections, each child wanted to be a part of the excitement. Each of these children shown, represent a need DRi is exceedling striving to meet. With countless children, at one of many similar schools, with common challenges, we need your help.
Please consider finanancially supporting and partnering with DRi on the Luwafu, Kampala, Uganda: School – 2 Project. At the school there is no space to install a water well, so we will need to collect and treat rainwater. There is also very little area to grow food, so we are working to engineer hydroponics farming on the roofs.
You can be a tremendous help as we prepare to gather and send the school supplies: Uniforms, Shoes, School Supplies for the students and the teachers, and tolietry items. You too, can be part of their picture and their future story! You can designate your giving to this Damascus Road project, by denoting Luwafu, Kampala, Uganda: School – 2
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