
Luwafu Orphanage

This is a special Place!  There are maybe 100 plus children, who at any given time, live here.  They have either been abandoned, discarded, or left alone due to the death of their families.

The kids range in age between 3 or 4, to maybe 10 or 12 years old.  They are being cared for.  But the food could be better, and more plentiful.  Their dormitories could be better.  Their classrooms need improvement, and the bathroom facilities . . .  well, let’s say they need a massive overhaul.

Your giving over these past few years has helped – Tremendously!  But there is still so much to do.  I would love nothing more than for anyone to join in, join the journey, and join with a child who is only looking for a new friend!

The plans for 2021 and 2022 are challenging.  You can help!  You can make a difference!  Adopt a boy or a girl for $25 per month.  Sponsor the project that will lead to positive change.  Send Rick an email to  100% of your gifts will go directly to the need.  Damascus Road will not use your gifts for any administrative purpose.


Ordaining Ministers of the Gospel

Damascus Road is a Uganda Ministry, a registered Corporation.  We have been given the permission and the authority to plant churches, do ministry, teach and train, and ordain qualified candidates.

Brian Okiring, is one of those special young men.  My brother John Robert Opio, the Uganda Director is with me in this photo.

Serere, Uganda

It was a great day in Serere, Uganda.  over 300 men, women and children walked many miles to come and hear Pastor Rick speak.  Thirty-Seven men and women accepted Jesus Christ as their savior.  Countless others came forward for physical, mental or spiritual healing.  And Rick was able to play with the children!  A perfect day!

Lives are being impacted, because of you!  Your support of Damascus Road is . . . IS changing lives, communities and countries.   Thank You!


Tubur Seminary

These are images from the Spring 2021 Tubur Seminary, roughly an hour northeast from Soroti, Uganda.  Rick spent a week with seventy men, and a few women, as they pursued their education.

Twenty-two men received Associates Degrees in Pastoral Ministry on this trip.  Numerous other men and women received certificates in Leadership Training as well.

Our challenge going forward is purchasing Laptop computers, installing electricity at the School location, and setting up weekly communications across our great divide.

Can you see yourself in the pictures?


Gomba Conference

These pictures are from the Gomba Conference. We began a new Seminary focus for rural pastors entitled Spiritual Leadership. We had one intensive day together, that led to the birth of a new seminary location. 52 pastors have committed to the journey!


Liberia Journal – February, 2018 – Day 1

February 4th, 2018

I left for a long visit to Africa.  My first stop – Amsterdam, then on to Monrovia, Liberia.

I arrived late at night – around 11 pm.  I was greeted by Cyrus Numbeh, and John Kollie of ICPM (Interior Church Planting Ministries), and my wonderful driver, care of CRCA and Dennis and Vania Aggrey. 

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Uganda Journal – February, 2018 – Day 1

February 10th 

On the Road Again – I left Monrovia after the last minute opportunity to be with Dennis Aggrey at the Lower Jungle Road community near the airport.  Great vision and insight on CRCA’s part!  A seminary – a large lodge with rooms, dormitories and classrooms.  The agriculture programs and plans were / are impressive to say the least.  Dennis specifically asked that we help with the teaching and training, as well as any support we could provide – beyond money.  This is where we want to connect – of that I am confident.

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Uganda Trip September 2017

This last trip to Uganda in September was a huge success. Click to view the some of the pictures from the trip…

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Luwafu, Kampala, Uganda: School

Bordering beautiful Lake Victoria is the capital of Uganda, Kampala. Just 30 minutes south of the city center is Luwafu, Uganda where Pastor Paul runs a school of over 200 children.

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Kasese, Uganda: School

In the Western Region of Uganda, in a town just north of Lake George, is Kasese. Kasese is the gateway to the beautiful landscapes of Queen Elizabeth National Park and Rwenzori National Park.

But despite the beauty of nature, there are countless people who live with nothing.  Kasese’s history was built on the backs of copper mining, but poverty still runs rampant despite the fact that the King has a palace nearby.

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